Mathematics MCQs Quiz 1
Subject : Mathematics
Questions Topics : General Mathematics

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General Mathematics Preparation 01

1 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A shopekeeper buys 300 identical article at the total cost of Rs 1500. He fixes the selling price of each article at 20% above the cost price and sell 260 articles at this price. As far for the remaining articles, he sells them at 50% of the selling price. Calculate the shopekeepers total profit.

2 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A car travelled 100km with half the distance at 40Km/hr and the other half at 80 Km/hr . Find the average speed of the car for the whole journey.

3 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

During a month in 1970, a family spent Rs. 2500 on food. In 1980 in the same month the same family spent Rs. 3750 on food. What was the percentage increase in the money spent on food?

4 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A tour guide earns commission by bringing tourists to patronise a certain handicraft shop. Given that the commission he receives is 3% of the total sales, calculate his commission on a particular day when the 12 tourists he brought to the shop spent an average of Rs. 2500.00 each.

5 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

Rashid salray was reduced by 20% . In order to restore his salary at te original amount, it must be raised by :

6 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

40 arithmetic questions , each carrying equal marks, were given in a class test. A boy answered 25 questions correctly. What percentagw was this? To pass a test a student must answer at least 45% of the questions correctly. Find the least number of correct answers needed to pass.

7 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A sum of money is divided among three persons. X, Y and Z, in the ratio 10: 7: 5. If Y gets Rs. 140 more than Z, how much will X get?

8 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A shopkeeper bought a radio from a wholeseller for Rs 250.In addition , he paid a sales tax of 15% on the cost price. He then sold the radio for Rs.315. Calculate the cash pprofit made by the shopekeeper

9 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A group of labourers accepted to do a piece of work in 20 days. 8 of them did not turn up for the work and the remaining did the work in 24 days. The original number of labourers was

10 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A & B can reap a field in 30 days, working together after 20 days. However, B is called away and A takes 20 days more to complete the work . B alone could do the work in :

11 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A single discount equivalent to a discount series of 20% , 10% and 25% is:

12 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A person’s net income is Rs. 1,373.70 and he tax of 5%. His gross income in pays an income rupees must be

13 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

Mr. Rehman ordered a car worth Rs. 600,000 and was given a discount. Given that he paid Rs.57,0000 for his new car, calculate the percentage discount he receive (d).

14 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

Rashid buys three books for Rs.16 each and four books for Rs 23 each , what will be the average price of books.

15 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A man pays 10% of his income for his income tax. If his income tax amounts to Rs 1500, what is his income?

16 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A man takes 50 min to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6Km/hr. If he walks with a speed of 10Km/hr , He covers the same distance in :

17 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B can do it in 15 days. The number of days required by them to finish it, working together is:

18 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

After spending 88% of his income, a man had Rs. 2160.00 left. Find his income.

19 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A certain number was doubled and the result the multiolyed by 3. If he product was 138, find the numer .

20 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A man is 5 times as old as his son . 2years ago the sum of square of their ages was 114. Find the present age of son.

21 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A man saves Rs. 500, which is 15% of his annual income. How much does he earn in one year ?

22 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A man earned an annaul income of Rs . 245000 in 1990. He was allowed a deduction of rs 15000 relief for each of his three childeren and a personal relief Rs. 30000. If he was charged a tax of 4% on first Rs.50000 and ^5 on his remaining income . Calculate the amount of tax he had to pay.

23 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

At a clearance sale, an article was reduced in price from Rs. 180 to Rs. 171. If the article sold at the original price yielded the dealer 25% profit, what was the percentage of profit if the article was sold at the reduced price?

24 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A & B enter into a partnership contributing Rs 800 & Rs 1000 respectively . At the end of 6months they admit C , who contribute Rs 600 . After 3 years they get a profit of Rs 966. Find the shares of each partner in the profit.

25 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A retailer bought a compact disc from a manufacturer for Rs.200. In addition to that, he paid a 15% sales tax . If he sold the disc to customer Rs 260, calculate the cash profit he made.

26 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A bank exchange British currency for singapore currency at the rate of S$ 3.20 to ₤1. Calculate, in ₤ , the amount exchanged for S$ 1600 by a customer who also had to pay an extra 3% commission for tis transaction.

27 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

Price of sugar is increased by 25%. The percentage of consumption to be decreased so that there would be no increase in the expenditure is

28 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

An oil tanker contained 5,500 litres of oil. Three- fifth of the oil was delivered to a customer and two-fifth of the remaining was delivered to another customer. The number of litres of oil that remains in the tanker is

29 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A boy of height 165cm is replaced by another, which decreases the average height of the group of 34 students by 1cm the height of new student is:

30 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A train takes 50 minutes for a journey if it runs at 48Km/hr . The rate at which the train must run to reduce the time to 40 minutes will be:

31 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 40 marks and fails by 40 marks. The maximum number of marks is

32 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A fruit-seller has 120 oranges . Given that he has 20% more apples than oranges and $0% less oranges than pears , find the numbers of apples and the number of pears the fruit seller has :

33 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

In an examination, 900 candidates were boys and 1100 were girls. If 32% of the boys and 38% of the girls passed the examination, the total percentage (of boys and girls together) of candidates that failed will be

34 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A girl is 18 years younger than her mother. In 6 years’ time, the sum of their ages will be 54. How old is the girl now?

35 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

Abank increased the rate of interest which it paid to depositors from 3.5% to 4% per annum. Find how much more interest a man would receive if he deposited Rs. 64000 in the bank for 6months at the new interest rate.

36 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

15 men can complete the job in 10 days . How long will it take 8 men to finish the same job if they work at the same rate ?

37 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A boy scored 90 marks for his mathematics test. This was 20% more than what he had scored for the geography test. How much did he score in geography?

38 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

The difference between simple and compound
interest on Rs. 1625 for 3 years at 4% per
annum in rupees is

39 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

Ten men can complete a job in 14 days .How long will it take 4 men to finish the same job if they work at the same rate ?

40 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A, B and C can do a work in 20, 25 and 30 days respectively. They undertook to finish the work together for Rs. 1,110. The share of A exceeds that of B by

41 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A man’s new income is Rs. 8400.00 per month. Given that his original income was Rs. 7500.00 per month, find the percentage increase in his monthly income.

42 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A man bought a flat for Rs. 8,20,000. he borrowed 55% of this money from a bank. How much money did he borrow from bank?

43 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A primary school had an enrollment of 850 pupils in ‘january 1970 . In january 1980 the enrollment was 1,120. what was the percentage increase for the enrollment?

44 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A certain solution is to be prepared by combining chemicals X, Y and Z in the ratio 18:3:2 . How many litres of the solution can be prepared by using 36 litres of X?

45 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

Javed read 60 pages of a book on the first day. This was 20% more than the number of pages he read on the second day. Given that he read of the book on the second day, find the number of pages in the book he had read.

46 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

40 men can build a wall 4meters high in 15days. The number of men required to build a similar wall five meters high in six days is :

47 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

The difference in simple and compound interest on a certain sum of money in two years at 15% per annum is Rs. 144. The sum in rupees is

48 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A group of boys were to choose between playing hockey and badminton. The number of boys choosing hockey was three times that of boys choosing badminton.Asking 12 boys who choose hockey to play badminton would make the number of players for each game equal. Find the number who choose badminton originally.

49 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

By selling a fan for Rs. 475, a person loses 5%. To get a gain of 5%, he should sell the fan for:

50 / 50

Category: General Mathematics

A rectangular room is 6m Long , 5m wide and 4m high. The total volume of the room in cubic meters is:

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Following are Mathematics MCQs for PPSC, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, and BPSC and all other exams. If you want to check answers or want to test yourself interactively, play the quiz above. Preparation will show you answers immediately while Test will show answers at the end of attempting quiz.

Mathematics MCQs Set 1

A retailer bought a compact disc from a manufacturer for Rs.200. In addition to that, he paid a 15% sales tax . If he sold the disc to customer Rs 260, calculate the cash profit he made.


A shopkeeper bought a radio from a wholeseller for Rs 250.In addition , he paid a sales tax of 15% on the cost price. He then sold the radio for Rs.315. Calculate the cash pprofit made by the shopekeeper

Rs. 20
Rs. 22.50
Rs. 25
Rs. 27.50

A shopekeeper buys 300 identical article at the total cost of Rs 1500. He fixes the selling price of each article at 20% above the cost price and sell 260 articles at this price. As far for the remaining articles, he sells them at 50% of the selling price. Calculate the shopekeepers total profit.


Ten men can complete a job in 14 days .How long will it take 4 men to finish the same job if they work at the same rate ?

33 days
35 days
37 days
39 days

15 men can complete the job in 10 days . How long will it take 8 men to finish the same job if they work at the same rate ?

14 3/4 days
16 3/4 days
18 3/4 days
20 3/4 days

40 men can build a wall 4meters high in 15days. The number of men required to build a similar wall five meters high in six days is :


A & B can reap a field in 30 days, working together after 20 days. However, B is called away and A takes 20 days more to complete the work . B alone could do the work in :

48 days
50 days
56 days
60 days

A & B enter into a partnership contributing Rs 800 & Rs 1000 respectively . At the end of 6months they admit C , who contribute Rs 600 . After 3 years they get a profit of Rs 966. Find the shares of each partner in the profit.

336,420, 210
360,400, 206
380, 390, 196
345, 405, 210

A man takes 50 min to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6Km/hr. If he walks with a speed of 10Km/hr , He covers the same distance in :

1 hour
20 minutes
10 minutes

A train takes 50 minutes for a journey if it runs at 48Km/hr . The rate at which the train must run to reduce the time to 40 minutes will be:

50 km/hr
55 km/hr
60 km/hr
57 km/hr

Rashid buys three books for Rs.16 each and four books for Rs 23 each , what will be the average price of books.


A boy of height 165cm is replaced by another, which decreases the average height of the group of 34 students by 1cm the height of new student is:


A car travelled 100km with half the distance at 40Km/hr and the other half at 80 Km/hr . Find the average speed of the car for the whole journey.

53 km/hr
53.33 km/hr
54 1/4 km/hr
55 km/hr

A rectangular room is 6m Long , 5m wide and 4m high. The total volume of the room in cubic meters is:


A single discount equivalent to a discount series of 20% , 10% and 25% is:


40 arithmetic questions , each carrying equal marks, were given in a class test. A boy answered 25 questions correctly. What percentagw was this? To pass a test a student must answer at least 45% of the questions correctly. Find the least number of correct answers needed to pass.

62.5 % 18
63.5% 16
64.5% 20
61.0% 21

A boy scored 90 marks for his mathematics test. This was 20% more than what he had scored for the geography test. How much did he score in geography?

71 marks
75 marks
77 marks

A fruit-seller has 120 oranges . Given that he has 20% more apples than oranges and $0% less oranges than pears , find the numbers of apples and the number of pears the fruit seller has :

144, 200
148, 380
140, 190

A man earned an annaul income of Rs . 245000 in 1990. He was allowed a deduction of rs 15000 relief for each of his three childeren and a personal relief Rs. 30000. If he was charged a tax of 4% on first Rs.50000 and ^5 on his remaining income . Calculate the amount of tax he had to pay.

Rs 9200
Rs 9500
Rs 9400

A man pays 10% of his income for his income tax. If his income tax amounts to Rs 1500, what is his income?

Rs 13000
Rs 15000
Rs 17000
RS 19000

A certain number was doubled and the result the multiolyed by 3. If he product was 138, find the numer .


A man is 5 times as old as his son . 2years ago the sum of square of their ages was 114. Find the present age of son.

7 years
9 years
8 years
8 1/ 2 years

Rashid salray was reduced by 20% . In order to restore his salary at te original amount, it must be raised by :


A bank exchange British currency for singapore currency at the rate of S$ 3.20 to ₤1. Calculate, in ₤ , the amount exchanged for S$ 1600 by a customer who also had to pay an extra 3% commission for tis transaction.

₤ 475
₤ 485
₤ 495

A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B can do it in 15 days. The number of days required by them to finish it, working together is:


A certain solution is to be prepared by combining chemicals X, Y and Z in the ratio 18:3:2 . How many litres of the solution can be prepared by using 36 litres of X?

46 litres
47 litres
45 litres
49 litres

A group of boys were to choose between playing hockey and badminton. The number of boys choosing hockey was three times that of boys choosing badminton.Asking 12 boys who choose hockey to play badminton would make the number of players for each game equal. Find the number who choose badminton originally.


A man bought a flat for Rs. 8,20,000. he borrowed 55% of this money from a bank. How much money did he borrow from bank?

Rs. 4,51,000
Rs 4,53,000

A man saves Rs. 500, which is 15% of his annual income. How much does he earn in one year ?


A primary school had an enrollment of 850 pupils in 'january 1970 . In january 1980 the enrollment was 1,120. what was the percentage increase for the enrollment?


Abank increased the rate of interest which it paid to depositors from 3.5% to 4% per annum. Find how much more interest a man would receive if he deposited Rs. 64000 in the bank for 6months at the new interest rate.

Rs. 220

The difference between simple and compound
interest on Rs. 1625 for 3 years at 4% per
annum in rupees is


The difference in simple and compound interest on a certain sum of money in two years at 15% per annum is Rs. 144. The sum in rupees is


A tour guide earns commission by bringing tourists to patronise a certain handicraft shop. Given that the commission he receives is 3% of the total sales, calculate his commission on a particular day when the 12 tourists he brought to the shop spent an average of Rs. 2500.00 each.


Mr. Rehman ordered a car worth Rs. 600,000 and was given a discount. Given that he paid Rs.57,0000 for his new car, calculate the percentage discount he receive (d).


A person's net income is Rs. 1,373.70 and he tax of 5%. His gross income in pays an income rupees must be


A girl is 18 years younger than her mother. In 6 years' time, the sum of their ages will be 54. How old is the girl now?

10 years
11 years
12 years
13 years

A group of labourers accepted to do a piece of work in 20 days. 8 of them did not turn up for the work and the remaining did the work in 24 days. The original number of labourers was


A sum of money is divided among three persons. X, Y and Z, in the ratio 10: 7: 5. If Y gets Rs. 140 more than Z, how much will X get?


A, B and C can do a work in 20, 25 and 30 days respectively. They undertook to finish the work together for Rs. 1,110. The share of A exceeds that of B by

Rs. 75

An oil tanker contained 5,500 litres of oil. Three- fifth of the oil was delivered to a customer and two-fifth of the remaining was delivered to another customer. The number of litres of oil that remains in the tanker is


A man's new income is Rs. 8400.00 per month. Given that his original income was Rs. 7500.00 per month, find the percentage increase in his monthly income.


A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 40 marks and fails by 40 marks. The maximum number of marks is

none of these

After spending 88% of his income, a man had Rs. 2160.00 left. Find his income.


At a clearance sale, an article was reduced in price from Rs. 180 to Rs. 171. If the article sold at the original price yielded the dealer 25% profit, what was the percentage of profit if the article was sold at the reduced price?


By selling a fan for Rs. 475, a person loses 5%. To get a gain of 5%, he should sell the fan for:


During a month in 1970, a family spent Rs. 2500 on food. In 1980 in the same month the same family spent Rs. 3750 on food. What was the percentage increase in the money spent on food?


In an examination, 900 candidates were boys and 1100 were girls. If 32% of the boys and 38% of the girls passed the examination, the total percentage (of boys and girls together) of candidates that failed will be


Javed read 60 pages of a book on the first day. This was 20% more than the number of pages he read on the second day. Given that he read of the book on the second day, find the number of pages in the book he had read.


Price of sugar is increased by 25%. The percentage of consumption to be decreased so that there would be no increase in the expenditure is


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