Prepare your General Knowledge Online!
Category Selected: General Knowledge
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General Knowledge is a vital part in PPSC, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC and all examinations specially one paper exams. We’ve compiled best general knowledge MCQs for PPSC, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, and more. This article will lead to all of the categories of general Knowledge Categories to prepare yourself for FPSC, PPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, CSS and all of the examinations held in Pakistan. It will also provide you an introduction to the General Knowledge and How to prepare general knowledge for exams held in Pakistan. A general Knowledge exam in Pakistan can contain following subjects, but not limited to only these:
General Knowledge MCQs Categories
Following are some categories A general Knowledge can comprise of:
- Geography
- Pakistan Studies
- International Affairs
- Pakistan Affairs
- Everyday Science
- History
- Literature
- Economics
- Mathematics
- Information Technology
- Nutrition and Food
And more depending upon what test you are attempting. The depth of the General Knowledge questions totally depends upon what level you are at and what type of job you’re attempting test for.
These are mostly used categories and there are 50 questions in each of our quiz. When you take more quizzes, these cover almost all categories for your PPSC, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, and BPSC preparation and help you secure a job in government sector.
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If you want to attempt more General Knowledge MCQs out of the box, you can try This General Knowledge Quiz.
How to prepare General Knowledge MCQs for PPSC, FPSC and other exams?
General Knowledge is a vital part of PPSC examinations and in one paper MCQs it weighs even more than 80% of total marks. A heavy part of exam. Isn’t it? So, how to prepare it? We’ve a very simple roadmap for your Preparation. Here is how:
- Go to our Preparation Center
- Select filters like Your Examination (Like FPSC, PPSC, or anything else)
- Select category “General Knowledge” and open the quizzes and attempt these
- Select Preparation or Test mode. Preparation and tests are for the same MCQs but in preparation, you are presented the answers once you attempt question. In test mode, you will need to attempt all questions first then you’ll be able to see the percentage of your test and results.
How to attempt General Knowledge MCQs?
You can attempt General Knowledge MCQs by pushing start button inside quiz window which will take you to the questions screen. There you can attempt the questions.
There are two modes of any quiz:
- First is preparation mode in which you are provided with answers at the time you attempt the question.
- Second is test mode in which you test yourself for the same quiz and your assessment is given at the end.
At the end, once you’ve attempted all questions, you’ll see the results page where you can find the right answers and check how you’ve attempted quiz and what’s right.
All General Knowledge MCQs Solved
Here are General Knowledge quizzes that you should attempt. These are multiple quizzes that belong to questions from different categories of questions. The categories of general knowledge MCQs include Geography, history, Pakistan Studies, Islamic Studies, Economics, Everyday Science, General Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Food Science and Nutrition and more subjects.